The stylized letters W and G.

Prior to Wolf Garretson, Jason Wolf co-founded The Garretson Resolution Group (“GRG”) along with Matt Garretson and served as its President for 12 years. Wolf is recognized as having solved for some of the most complex administrative issues in high scale, high profile and demanding settlement programs.

Wolf’s role in building strong business relationships with federal and state healthcare agencies (e.g. Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Affairs), private healthcare plans and third-party recovery contractors led GRG’s success in facilitating fair agreements among interested stakeholders in 100’s of aggregate settlements. Similarly, his operational design and management acumen were instrumental to pioneering the field of medical monitoring (programs in use today for both the cleanup workers in BP Oil Spill and retired players in the National Football League).

Wolf is a frequent speaker at legal and healthcare organizations and conferences. Jason earned both his undergraduate and graduate degrees

from Eastern Michigan University.

Wolf also is a co-founder of Signal Interactive Media, a firm dedicated to improving the efficacy of class notice through contemporary data analytics and mass media. In addition to the time invested in WolfGarretson and Signal, Jason is the founder of the Brooklyn Collective and sits on the board of Make It Work, a nonprofit which amplifies upward mobility and inclusivity in the Charlotte region.

Matt Garretson founded The Garretson Law Firm in 1998.

Garretson received a BA from Yale University, a law degree at Kentucky’s Salmon P. Chase College of Law and a Masters in Theology from Chicago Theological Seminary. Garretson is a frequent speaker at Continuing Legal Education seminars regarding lawyers’ professional responsibilities in class action and other mass tort matters.

Garretson has served as the special master or administrator of settlement funds and crisis response programs through the country in environmental disaster, product liability, civil rights, sexual abuse and other cases. In this capacity, Garretson has substantial firsthand experience with the design, oversight and/or administration of hundreds of class action and mass tort resolution programs.

Garretson is also the author of a legal textbook published by West Publishing entitled “Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases,” in addition to several articles regarding professional responsibility in individual and mass tort settlements.

He is also the co-Founder and former CEO of The Garretson Resolution Group, Inc (“GRG”), which provides lien resolution and complex settlement administration services in mass torts. Garretson led GRG through two separate private equity transactions in 2008 and 2012 and thereafter transitioned leadership to a seasoned management team.

Garretson is the co-founder of Signal Interactive Media (www.signalinteractive.com), a firm dedicated to improving the efficacy of class notice through contemporary data analytics and mass media. He is also a founder of BurnBright, LLC (www.BurnBright.com), a firm that provides research, data analytics and technology in order to create engaging, interactive micro-learning content. BurnBright’s customized, relevant learning experiences increase claimant/class member engagement with and participation in settlement or crisis response programs.

When he is not designing or overseeing settlement programs, Garretson spends his time pouring into Amarras.org. Amarras provides learning management systems for innovators and leaders of non-profit organizations operating in the Dominican Republic and Haiti with an emphasis on improving the well being of vulnerable youth, their families and their communities.

White stylized letters, "WG".